Where there is trouble…

Tucker on the roof of the chicken coop. He can't get into the run - and it was a bit longer jump down to the ground than Tucker wanted to do.
Tucker on the roof of the chicken coop. He can’t get into the run – and it was a little higher off the ground than Tucker expected.

… usually one can find Tucker.  Today he found his way on to the roof of the chicken coop. I’m not quite sure how he go there, it is a bit of a jump from the driveway wall.  Maybe he jumped on the nesting boxes to get up.

And, yesterday, he pushed his way into the coop while I was building the run for the chickens. He sat in the corner not quite sure what to do – until Susanna and I got him out of the pen.

Tucker finding his way out of the coop.
Tucker finding his way out of the coop.

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