The trip seemed to be planned out. All I needed to do was change my return flight once I arrived in Dan Diego. Not expected to be a problem.
Of course, that isn’t how it turned out. I wasn’t able to leave the house early enough to visit Jim. He has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now, and is finally feeling up for visitors. But no worries, we can get together for lunch sometime.
So, Sunday at lunch I drove to T.F. Green airport for a 2pm flight. No problems there. However, we boarded late, waiting for the first officer to arrive. They thought they had one and we were all inboard ready to leave 40 minutes late. Of course, when the replacement first officer arrived, he wasn’t eligible to fly. Do the flight was cancelled. No chance of getting to San Diego on Sunday night.
No problems, I didn’t have to meet the submarine until 5pm on Monday. United booked me on a Delta flight leaving at 6am Monday morning. Plenty of time. I should have checked Delta before I left.
I drove home and woke up at 3am to catch the flight. When I got to the airport, there was no reservation at Delta for me. United had screwed up and didn’t make the reservation.
So, back to the United counter. I was standby to Dulles. Made it to Dulles. Standby to San Diego. No go to San Diego. The flight was well overbooked.
So I’m here in Dulles. I arrived at 7:30 and will catch a 2:30 flight out of here. Oh well. I miss the boat (literally), but Ryan will cover the ride for me. Of course the target has material problems, so it may not happen at all.
A picture of the wildlife in the Dulles airport.