It has been a while since I’ve written. I would love to pretend it was because I have a crazy exciting life, and I’ve been too busy living it. But sadly, that isn’t the case. I have been busy, but not that exciting.
I spent this month making cutting board after cutting board. My cousin got married two weekends ago, so as a wedding gift, I made him a set of drunken cutting boards, inspired by projects on lumberjocks. They turned out pretty nice (for my first try). Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of them (I didn’t want to post before the wedding, in the odd chance that he actually reads this blog).
I decided that cutting boards would be a good way to use up the wood cut-offs I have laying around the shop, and a good project to do with the boys. I took all the interesting short pieces of lumber laying around, cut the boards to 18″ long, milled them to the same thickness, and cut them into strips of varying width (1/2″, 1″ and 2″). I then let the boys pick out the strips they wanted to use and they glued up the boards. I made sure that the boards were narrower than 8″ when glued up so we could flatten them quickly on the jointer.
I had enough strips for Will, Ben and Ben’s friend, Anthony, to make boards. I also made two myself (with the remaining wood). One is a little bigger (pictured above), and the second I gave to a friend at work.
I’ll have to write more later about the wedding trip to Bowling Green, KY, visit to Mammoth cave with dad and Barbara, and a stop over in Louisville to see a friend I hadn’t seen in 20 years. I would love to share all the pictures I took on my trip, but the camera stayed on the counter where I forgot it.
It is nice to be home and back working on the workshop. It is making progress. I’ll take more pictures tomorrow night (maybe).