Winter Storm Nemo plowed through here last night (I’m not sure when they started naming winter storms, but I’ll go with it), dumping 20+ inches (1/2 meter) of snow overnight. Surprisingly we didn’t lose power. However, I’m told that we will lose power shortly when they have to remove some trees from lines – I’ll see if I get this post done in time.
Will was supposed to have his birthday party today. That didn’t happen. But he got to go for a snowmobile ride with our neighbor; his daughter, Estelle invited him to go along. He was pretty cold when he got home from the ride, but according to him, “it was a blast.”
Ben has been fighting a cold, so I didn’t let him go for the ride. But he did get enough time outside to enjoy the deep snow.
The boys have both been alternating between playing outside, and taking it easy inside. Tucker spends most of his time outside in the garage, with short trips out into the deeper snow. It is even too deep for Targa to enjoy. Susanna and I worked on shoveling the driveway (though most of it was cleared by our neighbor and his snow blower – thanks Joel!). The sun even appeared for a little bit this afternoon.
Tonight we are going to sit down and enjoy a warm soup and bread. It is a vegetable soup, so the boys may starve tonight. Maybe we will even play some “Uno Attack” by candlelight later.