We had a super busy family day. Our Saturdays start with soccer camp in the morning for both boys. However, this morning, Ben was too tired to play soccer. Susanna took Will to soccer, and I took Ben to run errands with me (i.e. pick up lumber for the boat project).
While Susanna and Will were out, I helped Ben get fitted on Will’s old (okay, until today, current) bike and watched as he rode up and down the road a couple of times to check the fit. I was also able to move some cherry lumber to the workshop loft. I plan to build some more furniture later this summer and want to get the lumber a little more dried out. I’ll have to move some oak up tomorrow.
The afternoon brought more kids. Two of the neighbor kids came over as well as one of Will’s friends from school. I spent the afternoon turning a couple of large pieces of plywood into smaller and hopefully boat-shaped pieces of plywood – interrupted to make several play knives/daggers/swords for the kids.
I’m tired. I think I will take a long hot shower tonight and be not too far behind the boys in going to bed.