My dad, my brother, and three nephews visited this past week. All five of them stayed with us for the week. It was much too busy of a week to write all about it on a tired Sunday morning. Instead, I’ll upload pictures.
On Sunday, we stopped by Cows and Cones in Ledyard for Ice Cream. Here is Will and his cousin, Brady, eating their ice cream.On Monday, we headed into Boston. Here is a picture of the boys on the “T” (MBTA) heading into the city.On Tuesday, we headed north to Six Flags New England. Brady doesn’t like rides, so he stayed home with my dad.Will and his cousin, Chase, on one of the smaller rides at Six Flags. Will became Chase’s “best buddy” over the past week.Chase in line with me for a ride at Six Flags. Looking sharp for the camera!Wednesday was a quiet day. We took a trip in the afternoon to the Book Barn in Niantic to get some reading material for the boys. Here is Chase watching Ben play chess against Brady.Thursday took us to Bluff Point Park and Fort Griswold Park during the day. Here the boys are enjoying the water at Bluff Point.
Thursday evening we headed over to my Uncle Jim and Aunt Rhonda’s house for a some dinner and pool time. Here are Will, Brady and Chase swimming with Susanna.Friday and Saturday we headed to New York City. We spent most of Saturday exploring Central Park. Here is my dad watching the boys climb rocks at the park.