This past weekend we had our first snow fall. We didn’t get too much snow and didn’t loose power – even though most of the north of the state got a pretty good dumping of snow. There are a bunch of people that are still without power. It seemed like it was almost the opposite of hurricane Irene (where the coast got most of the damage)
We took most of the morning Saturday to visit the Crystal Mall and go shopping for Halloween costumes for the boys (and the adults). We had intended to stop by and get pumpkins on the drive home. However we were a bit late – the local orchard was all sold out. What do you expect, waiting until last minute (hopefully I’ll do better with my Christmas shopping). Susanna wound up heading into Ledyard to pick up pumpkins after we had all returned from home.

Later that afternoon we carved the pumpkins. The boys drew faces on each pumpkin, and Susanna and I did our best to carve to the plans – or at least to the intended plans (when Will got upset because he couldn’t get the teeth drawn the way he wanted them).
The boys went to their mother’s house on Sunday morning, and back here on Monday for Halloween. We had decided to head to Taftville to do trick-or-treating – it was a little closer than the other options. They have a parade, which I had forgotten about until we were there. The fire department and police block off the main street, and all the kids walk from one end of the town to fire station on the other side – following a procession of fire trucks and police cars.
Will and Ben hit as many houses as they could until the parade swept them up. We followed the fire trucks in a huge crowd of ghouls, goblins, monsters, and witches. The trail ended at the Taftville firehouse for more candy and ice cream (ok, not sure why they serve ice cream – everyone is cold by that time of night). And we were home with time for the boys to sort and trade (and of course eat)their candy.