London (day 3)

We are starting today off a little slower than yesterday. I was up at 7:30 and went up the street for a coffee and muffin (and free Internet). Susanna sleept in – so we passed on the family breakfast in the hotel.

After breakfast we all met up at the cafe and then headed our own ways. The girls (Susanna, her mom, sister and cousin) headed to Piccadilly Circus for shopping.

Susanna’s dad, Dan, and I headed out to visit the museums. The first stop was the British Museum. There we saw the Rosetta stone and other artifacts of ancient Egyptian civilization. We also visited the Greek and European exhibits. The museum
Was followed by a beer and snack at a local pub.

We took the underground to the Imperial War Museum and spent the afternoon there. It was a perfect sized museum. Not too big. The British Museum is way too big to take in at once. It was a good assortment of items from the military, plus a very sobering section on the Holocaust.

After that another bite to eat and a beer at a different pub.

Now back to the room for a bit and then out to a show this evening. Pictures to follow later.

2 thoughts on “London (day 3)

  1. Sounds like a nice vacation so far. Are you trying a different beer at each pub? Don’t forget to have authentic fish and chips!

    1. We are. And we had fish and chips last night. I also tried a steak and ale pie. I’m not surprised the fish and chips made it over and that we passed in the meat pies as fine dining.

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