We had a slow Saturday morning. Ben slept in until almost 7 and Will until nearly 8. Of course Susanna and I are still getting adjusted to the time zone and we were up at 5am.

Yesterday the mailbox post fell over in the snow storm (no idea if it was just time, or if a plow/car bumped it). This morning Will and I headed to Home Depot to get a new post. $30 and 15 minutes of work later, we have a new post.
Not a very exciting house project. Nor was it much work, but getting mail is nice.
This afternoon we are going to Mitchell College to visit the “Cat in the Hat” fair that the early childhood education department is putting on (and where Susanna is spending the morning).
I’m planning on taking Will to get new shoes after the fair while Ben goes to his piano lessons. I know shoes aren’t that exciting, but he is complaining about blisters on his feet, so he wants to go shopping.
I think we will take a quiet day here – last night was “Bouncy Castle” night at the boys school. Imagine 50 elementary school students running crazy around the gym filled with bounce houses. Of course I think they should supply beer/wine/margaritas for the parents. No point in the kids being the only ones having fun.