
I haven’t posted in a while. It isn’t that life is slow, and I don’t have much to write about. Just the opposite; things have been very busy this month. And I haven’t set aside time to write. I should be more consistent with my writing, I think a journal helps me focus. But of course, I think it is okay to take a break from writing as well.

My last post did get some attention. I got a comment was very angry about what I wrote about the photography company. And then a comment about 30 minutes later telling me how much I must hate this country if I don’t support the freedom of speech and post her comments. I love how the Internet can allow people to think that they have the right to be confrontational in a way that one would (hopefully) not be in person. Anyway, this is my blog. I pay for the website hosting and domain name. I am free to accept or reject any comments that I want to. I will continue to delete comments that are a waste of time.

ben__fireAnyway, as I said earlier, this has been a very busy month.  I had to go on travel for 10 days in the middle of the month for work. A trip to the Bahamas. Yeah, work can be tough. Of course the trip didn’t quite work out as planned. Submarines were delayed; my ride plan changed.  I wound up being stuck on the base for 5 days with little to do most of the days.

The boys have been here for (what seems) is the majority of the time I haven’t been away this month. The house is much more alive when the boys are here; they days go by fast, and I am tired at night.

I have made some progress on my projects.  I am in the process of building a floor in the garage for the wedding reception this summer. Ben helped me install the port lifelines on the sailboat. I’ll get to the starboard ones before we put the boat in the water later this month. Susanna started working again at Michael’s Dairy in New London and has had  to work most evenings this week.  I have also started the garden and had to mow the lawn several times this month.

I think tonight will be a night to go to bed early and catch up on sleep.


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