Today we got good news. The baby is looking good and the ultrasound went very well. We could also tell that the baby is no longer an “it” and is now a “she.”
We expect that in mid-February we should have a new member in the family, Isabella Louise Curtis. Will and Ben will get a new baby sister and the dogs will gain a new human to pull ears, tails, and other private body parts. Of course, ultrasounds aren’t 100%, so if “she is a he” (as Ben would say when he was little) then we’ll have to start the name game again.
Overall it has been a busy month and I haven’t found time to write in over a month. The past 5 weeks spanned a trip to Sweden for Sofia’s wedding, the boys returning to school, Susanna returning to work part-time, and a trip to Hawaii (yes, work is tough.) Hopefully as things calm down this fall I can catch up on posts and add pictures from the trips.