Spring Break Trip (DC – Day 2)

Today we took a walk around the monuments and ended early afternoon to give everyone a chance to rest and the kids a chance to play in the pool. We started by getting off the blue line at Arlington and walking across the Arlington Memorial Bridge to the Lincoln Memorial. From there we went by the Korean War Memorial and the MLK Memorial. We again ate lunch from a lunch truck, passed by the White House, stopped for coffee and finished up at McPherson Square Metrorail Station for the trip back to the hotel. Izzy is having the time of her life with Apuuli.

Selfie with Izzy at the Lincoln Memorial
Group picture at the Lincoln Memorial (Dad was still wandering through the exhibit downstairs). Susanna, Izzy, and me with Barbara and Apuuli.
Izzy and Apuuli at the Lincoln Memorial.
Izzy on the Arlington Memorial Bridge.
At the Lincoln Memorial.
Playing on the Arlington Memorial Bridge.

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